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Обсуждение на esp8266.com (English)
Frankenstein ESP8266 Firmware
Powered by Antares 0.2-rc1, Insane Mushroom
(c) Andrew 'Necromant' Andrianov 2014
This is free software (where possible), published under the terms of GPLv2
Memory Layout:
data : 0x3ffe8000 ~ 0x3ffe8aa8, len: 2728
rodata: 0x3ffe8ab0 ~ 0x3ffea254, len: 6052
bss : 0x3ffea258 ~ 0x3fff1688, len: 29744
heap : 0x3fff1688 ~ 0x3fffc000, len: 43384
=== Press enter to activate this console ===
blackblade > help
help - Show this message
apconfig - Setup Access Point.
apconfig name OPEN/WEP/WPA_PSK/WPA2_PSK/WPA_WPA2_PSK [password]
iwconnect - Join a network/Display connection status.
iwconnect ssid password
iwmode - Get/set wireless mode. Available modes: NONE, STA, AP, APSTA
iwmode STA
iwscan - Scan for available stations
ifconfig - Show/setup network interfaces
ifconfig [iface] [ipaddr] [netmask] [gateway]
ifconfig sta0
argtest - Print out argc/argv
deepsleep - Enter deep sleep for some microseconds
deepsleep 10000
reset - Soft-reboot the device
meminfo - Display memory information
version - Display version information and copyright
gpio - Control gpio lines. gpio mode line [value]
gpio in 0
gpio out 0 1
spi_dump - Hexdump flash contents
spi_dump start len
spi_wipe - Wipe the whole spi flash blank
listen - Listen for incoming data ona port
listen 8080
blackblade > iwscan
BSSID a8:15:1d:0c:b1:0c channel 03 rssi -54 auth WPA2_PSK shadowgate
BSSID 1a:e6:e4:0c:f3:e4 channel 03 rssi -61 auth WPA2_PSK frostgate
blackblade > ifconfig
sta0: WiFi Client Interface
state: Connected
inet addr: Mask: Gateway:
blackblade > iwmode AP
Wireless mode change: STA -> AP
blackblade > ifconfig
ap0: WiFi Access Point Interface
state: Running
inet addr: Mask: Gateway:
blackblade > iwmode APSTA
Wireless mode change: AP -> APSTA
blackblade > ifconfig
sta0: WiFi Client Interface
state: Connected
inet addr: Mask: Gateway:
ap0: WiFi Access Point Interface
state: Running
inet addr: Mask: Gateway:
blackblade > apconfig
SSID: dummy AUTH 0 BSSID: 1a:fe:34:98:dc:9e
blackblade > apconfig test WPA2_PKS 12345678
Invalid encryption mode: WPA2_PKS. See help.
blackblade > apconfig test WPA2_PSK 12345678
blackblade > apconfig
SSID: test AUTH 3 BSSID: 1a:fe:34:98:dc:9e
blackblade >