• Система автоматизации с открытым исходным кодом на базе esp8266/esp32 микроконтроллеров и приложения IoT Manager. Наша группа в Telegram

Результаты поиска

  1. 1

    RTL8195 mycropython

    Well... Personally I like the ideia of an interpreted language in Wifi Soc modules when you don't need a super performance... It's easy to make new solutions without recompile everything... And you can storage your code in external memories like sd-card and etc...
  2. 1

    RTL8195 mycropython

    Hi! I found this port of micropython wylinks/micropython-ameba it's based on sdk 4.0 it seems to works! I don't know if it's bug free but it seems a good start for a better port by PVVX?
  3. 1

    Разнообразные модули с RTL871x и RTL8195.

    @A_D @pvvx Nice work guys! To pvvx I don't understand this about 8710bn uart... On my 8710bn uart works fine. On the defective 8195 the rx pin from uart log was physicaly disconected from the IC by a manufacturer error :(
  4. 1

    RTL8195AM general questions

    Hi! I had some developed firmware for 8710af series based on sdk3.5 from mp3 git repository. I have some questions related with Sdram usage. When I write the created binary to ram it seem to have strange behaviour: <RTL8195A> ===== Enter SRAM-Boot 1 ==== CPU CLK: 83333333 Hz, SOC FUNC EN...
  5. 1

    How to re-flash RTL8710BN with Jlink and W25Q64FV memory?

    @pvvx Yes I know about ld placement area... I will have to make a pause on BN series still no luck
  6. 1

    Разнообразные модули с RTL871x и RTL8195.

    Hi! I will tell you a bit about my experience with RTL modules ... Well I started adpting RTL-00 modules to node mcu esp 8266 boards. At the time I had done this there are no easy avaliable dev boards! They work great the only cons is the leds inside the module. My second attempt was with...
  7. 1

    How to re-flash RTL8710BN with Jlink and W25Q64FV memory?

    @pvvx this last firmware (MICO ) have a wrong signature if I use the default bootloader that cames with my module:( (also editing the img to jump to the correct adress) I'am writting OTA2 img to 0x08080000 and I edited OTA2 img adress to 20 00 08 08 but it still hard fault :( Do you have a...
  8. 1

    How to re-flash RTL8710BN with Jlink and W25Q64FV memory?

    @pvvx HI! Thanks for the rtltool.py! Now I can read / write erase my W25Q64. My only problem now is to load a new application on OTA2 partition. I edited system partition (0x9000) for it load from OTA2 and corrected the flash parameters. I compile the demo that comes with sdk4.0 on...
  9. 1

    How to re-flash RTL8710BN with Jlink and W25Q64FV memory?

    I have two problems. 1) I use linux. 2)SDK tools (based on Jlink scripts) seens to support only support 1MB :( and SDK 4.0 can't make a full image (RTL8710BN have a different flash layout than RTL8710A it includes SystemData section and others ) And it's bad that SDK4.0 boot.bin is only 4KB. I...
  10. 1

    How to re-flash RTL8710BN with Jlink and W25Q64FV memory?

    H! Anybody had a sucess in re-flash this module with another flash other than the 2MB that comes with the module? Because it seems that with the tools that come with sdk4.0 only works with 1MB flash ic. Because I can only write flash one time after that it hangs with W25Q64FV. Does it need to...
  11. 1


    I like rtl chips it's better than esp "xx" in general but this BN series are very limited in I / O and should have a bit more. BN series is nice for arduboys to make shields and connect it to 5V atmegas and use AT command interface not more than this,
  12. 1


    The flash size is locked at efuse?
  13. 1


    Well when I look at this pin chart it's states that you can't use i2c with spi and uart2 log! I asked how much ram did it take just for ssl link? In realtek doc it is stated that it has only 140kB avaliable of ram to use in aplications
  14. 1


    How much does it take just for SSL conection? The only drawback in this series is that it has just few pins avaliable a and a bad pin mux assigment!
  15. 1

    Segger embedded studio

    I also used to import keil projects with stm32 but it does not correct import linker files. So you need to manually create your linker files. If you right click on projects you shuold see "edit memory map" and "edit section placement" and need to edit or create this files (you can especify then...
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